In accordance with the Constitution & Rules of The New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Incorporated, the NZSEE Management Committee shall annually publish a call for nominations for Fellows.
Rule 4.7 states:
4.7 Fellows: The Management Committee may elect as a Fellow of the Society any person, whether resident in New Zealand or otherwise who, in the Committee’s estimation, fulfils all of the following requirements:
a) the nominee must have been a member of the Society for at least five years immediately prior to nomination; and
b) the nominee must be highly respected in some aspect of the fields of earthquake engineering, earthquake phenomena or the effects of earthquakes; and
c) the nominee must have performed exceptional service to the Society as demonstrated by:
- work on the Management Committee; and/or
- work on one or more of the Society’s Bulletins; and/or
- publication in the Society’s Bulletin; and/or
- other special contribution which benefits the Society.
Prospective Fellows shall be nominated by three current members of the Society, who shall submit with their nomination a brief statement supporting the nominee’s case for election. In the event of an initially unsuccessful nomination, the nomination shall stand for three years subsequent to nomination and if not by then successful, shall lapse. Re-nomination of an unsuccessful candidate shall not be accepted for the three years subsequent to failure of a previous nomination.
NOTE: Normally not more than five percent of the Society’s membership shall be Fellows at any one time. The Management Committee shall annually publish a call for nominations and the closing date for nominations.
In accordance with the constitution, we are calling for nominations for consideration for election as Fellows.
The submitted nomination will be considered by the Management Committee in their assessment for the election of NZSEE Fellows. The Management Committee’s selection of any member for a Fellowship will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Please complete all fields on this form and submit to the Executive Officer (via email at on or before Friday, 7 February 2025 at 4 pm.