Established in 2020, the Bulletin Service Award recognises and rewards high-impact service made by people to the NZSEE Bulletin.
New Zealand is a small country and there are only a few qualified experts in different areas of earthquake engineering/science. While international reviewers can be used sporadically, as most papers submitted to the Bulletin are from NZ authors discussing issues/problems relevant to NZ, local reviewers are indispensable. Given most qualified experts in NZ are understandably busy, it is difficult to find editorial board members who regularly deliver thorough reviews in a timely manner.
The award shall be bound by the following regulations/protocols:
- The Award shall be named “NZSEE Bulletin Service Award”.
- The Award carries a framed certificate and $1000 prize
- The Award shall be given to a person or a group of people who have made impactful contribution to the Bulletin within the previous three years. The impact of the Awardee’s contribution could be in any form; such as quality/timely reviews of papers, significant assistance to Editor as an Editorial Board Member, contribution to the bulletin management, website/portal development etc.
- In special cases (e.g. past Chief Editors), outstanding contribution/s made before 3 years may also be used to justify the Awardee.
- The Award shall not be awarded to the current Chief Editor of the Bulletin or the President of the Society.
- The Awardee is chosen by the Chief Editor of the Bulletin and the President of the Society.
- The Award shall not be given more than once a year.
- The Award is announced by the Bulletin Editor at the annual NZSEE conference.
- If a convincing recipient cannot be identified, the Editor and the President may decide not to issue the award that year.
The Award will be announced at the annual NZSEE Conference.
Past Recipients
2024 | Liam Wotherspoon |
2023 | Quincy Ma |
2022 | Bruce Deam |
2021 | Reagan Chandramohan |
2020 | Les Megget |