Otto Glogau, Chief Structural Engineer of the Ministry of Works, was a great thinker in the development of engineering concepts and design loadings for improving the structural performance of buildings to resist earthquake effects. Otto played a large part in the pioneering development of the 1976 Loadings Code.
This award is offered annually to the author or authors presenting the best paper during the three years ending 30 June preceding the date of the award. Those eligible are authors, whether members or non-members of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, of any paper published in the NZSEE Bulletin within the previous three years.
Papers that fit the eligibility criteria can be nominated, including through self-nomination, via an email to the NZSEE Executive Officer (at Paper nominations should include the title of the paper, the list of authors, and the Bulletin Volume and Issue in which the paper was published. Please include a statement about why you consider this specific Bulletin paper to be award-worthy, specifying how it has impacted the research and/or practice of Earthquake Engineering, or any other supporting evidence.
The criteria for selection of the Otto Glogau Award are merit of the paper, and the degree to which the paper advances the objectives of the Society. However, when papers of equal merit are being considered for the award, preference will be given to authors who have not yet received the award. In any year, the decision of whether to confer an award or not, will be at the sole discretion of the NZSEE Management Committee’s chosen Awards Committee.
Two years must pass from the date of the award before the first author of a winning paper is again eligible to receive the award.
The award includes a prize of $2,000 to purchase books, or for other expenses to pursue earthquake engineering activities or initiatives, plus a certificate, and the opportunity to present the work to the Society through a seminar series.
The recipient for this year’s Otto Glogau Award will be selected by an Awards Committee made up of members of the NZSEE Management Committee. Any paper nominations received will be considered by the awards committee, alongside other papers published in the Bulletin.
The Award will be presented at the NZSEE Annual Conference.
Past Recipients
2024 | Vinod Sadashiva, Richard Mowll, S R Uma, Sheng L Lin, David Heron, Nick
| “Improving Wellington region’s resilience through integrated infrastructure resilience investments” |
2023 | Riwaj (Ribu) Dhakal, Misko Cubrinovski, Jonathan Bray, Christopher de la Torre | “Liquefaction assessment of reclaimed land at Centreport, Wellington” published in NZSEE Bulletin No 53. January 2020 |
2022 | J Bhatta, J Mulligan, R P. Dhakal, T Sullivan, H Gerlich, F Kang | “Theoretical and experimental evaluation of timber-famed partitions under lateral drift” published in NZSEE Bulletin No 54: December 2021 |
2021 | A. Shegay, F. Dashti, L. Hogan, Y. Lu, A. Niroomandi, P. Seifi, T. Zhang, R. Dhakal, K. Elwood, R. Henry and S. Pampanin | Research Programme on Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Walls: Key Recommendations published in NZSEE Bulletin No 53(2): June 2020 |
2020 | G. Chiaro, G. Alexander, P. Brabhahara, C. Massey, J. Koseki, S. Yamada and Y. Aoyagi | Reconnaissance Report on the Geotechnical and Geological Aspects of the 14-16 April, 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake in Japan published in NZSEE Bulletin 50(3): September 2017 |
2019 | No award | |
2018 | Edited by L. Wotherspoon, A. Palermo, C. Holden and R. Dhakal | Special Issue on 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake, NZSEE Bulletin 50(2) published in June 2017 |
2017 | T. Larkin and C. Van Houtte | Determination of Site Period for NZS1170.5:2004 published in NZSEE Bulletin 47(1): March 2014 |
2016 | I. Giongo, A. Wilson, D.Y. Dizhur, H. Derakhshan, R. Tomasi, M.C. Griffith, P. Quenneville and J. M. Ingham | Detailed Seismic Assessment and Improvement Procedure for Vintage Flexible Timber Diaphragms published in NZSEE Bulletin 47(2): June 2014 |
2015 | No award | |
2014 | S. Pampanin | Reality-Check and Renewed Challenges in Earthquake Engineering: Implementing Low-Damage Structural Systems – From Theory to Practice published in NZSEE Bulletin 45(4): December 2012 |
2013 | T.J. Sullivan | Direct Displacement-based design of a RC wall-steel EBF dual system with added dampers published in NZSEE Bulletin 42(3): September 2009 |
2012 | D.A. Rhoades, R.J. Van Dissen, R.M. Langridge, T.A. Little, D. Ninis, E.G.C. Smith and R. Robinson | Re-evaluation of Conditional Probability of Rupture of the Wellington-Hutt Valley Segment of the Wellington Fault published in NZSEE Bulletin 44(2): June 2011 |
2011 | R.P. Dhakal and R.C. Fenwick | Detailing of Plastic Hinges in Seismic Design of Concrete Structures published in ACI Journal, Nov 2008 |
2010 | J.H. Wood | Earthquake Design of Rectangular Underground Structures published in NZSEE Bulletin 40(1): March 2007 |
2009 | G.H. Lindup | Adapting the structural design actions standard for the seismic design of new industrial plant published in NZSEE Bulletin 40(3): September 2007 |
2008 | R. Dhakal, J. Mander and N. Mashiko | Identification of critical ground motions for seismic performance of structures published in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 35, February 2006, pp 989-1008 |
2007 | G.H. McVerry, J.X. Zhao, N.A. Abrahamson and P.G. Somerville | New Zealand Acceleration Response Spectrum Attenuation Relations for Crustal and Subduction zone earthquakes published in NZSEE Bulletin 39(1): March 2006 |
2006 | S. Pampanin | Emerging Solutions for High Seismic Performance of Precast/Prestressed Concrete Buildings published in Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 3(2): June 2005 |
2005 | J. Matthews, D. Bull and J. Mander | Hollowcore Floor slab performance following a severe earthquake, FIB Conference, Athens, May 2003 (Citation) |
2004 | K. Berrymann, G. Downes, P. Kingsbury, J. Pettinga, M. Stirling, R. Van Dissen, M. Yetton | The tri-set of papers on the Earthquake Hazard and Risk Assessment of the Canterbury region all published in NZSEE Bulletin 34(4): December 2001 (Citation) |
2003 | G.T. Hancox, N.D. Perrin and G.D. Dellow | Recent Studies of Historical Earthquake-Induced Landsliding Ground Damage and MM Intensity in NZ published in NZSEE Bulletin 35(2): June 2002 |
2002 | G.L. Downes, D.J. Dowrick, R.J. Van Dissen, J.J. Taber, G.T. Hancox, E.G.C. Smith | The 1942 Wairarapa, New Zealand, Earthquakes: Analysis of Observational and Instrumental Data published in NZSEE Bulletin 34(2): June 2001 |
2001 | M.J.N. Priestley | Performance based seismic design published in NZSEE Bulletin 33(3): September 2000(12 WCEE keynote address) |
2000 | M. Stirling, S. Wesnousky and K. Berryman | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of New Zealand published in New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 41(4) |
1999 | R. Grapes and G. Downes | The 1855 Wairarapa, New Zealand, earthquake – analysis of historical data published in NZSEE Bulletin 30(4): December 1997 |
1998 | J.X. Zhao, D.J. Dowrick and G.H. McVerry | Attenuation of Peak Ground Acceleration in New Zealand Earthquakes published in NZSEE Bulletin 30(2): June 1997 |
1997 | J.H. Wood and G.R. Martin | Evaluation of Seismic Design Parameters for the Museum of New Zealand Site published in NZSEE Bulletin 28(2): June 1995 |
1996 | D.J. Dowrick, D.A. Rhoades, J. Babor and R.D. Beetham | Damage rations for houses and microzoning effects in Napier in the magnitude 7.8 Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, earthquake of 1931 published in NZSEE Bulletin 28(2): June 1995 |
1995 | T.J. Larkin and S. Marks | The Seismic Analysis of Sandy Sites published in NZSEE Bulletin 27(2): June 1994 |
1994 | J.B. Berrill, R.O. Davis and I.F. McCahon | Christchurch seismic hazard pilot study published in NZSEE Bulletin 26(1): March 1993 |
1993 | R. Van Dissen, K.R. Berryman, J.R. Pettinga and N.L. Hill | Paleoseismicity of the Wellington-Hutt Valley segment of the Wellington fault published in Journal of Geology and Geophysics 35(2) |
1992 | M. Nishiyama | Seismic design of prestressed concrete buildings published in NZSEE Bulletin 23(4): December 1990 |
1991 | L.T. Pham | A base-isolation design using spherically-ended rollers and telescopic shock absorbers published in NZSEE Bulletin 21(2): June 1988 |
1990 | R.C. Fenwick and L.M. Megget | Seismic behaviour of a reinforced concrete portal frame sustaining gravity loads published in NZSEE Bulletin 22(1): March 1989 |
1989 | T. Paulay and W.J. Goodsir | The ductility of structural walls published in NZSEE Bulletin 18(3): September 1985 |
1988 | T. Andriono and R. Park | Seismic design considerations of the properties of NZ manufactured steel reinforcing bars published in NZSEE Bulletin 19(3): September 1986 |
1987 | D.D. Spurr | An economic solution for stabilising a slender arch roof published in NZSEE Bulletin 19(2): June 1986 |
1986 | M.J.N. Priestley and D.R. Brunsdon | Assessment of seismic performance characteristics of reinforced concrete buildings constructed between 1936 and 1975 published in NZSEE Bulletin 17(3): September 1984 |
1985 | P.R. Boardman, B.J. Wood and A.J. Carr | Union House: a cross-braced structure with energy dissipators published in NZSEE Bulletin 16(2): June 1983 |
1984 | All 19 members of the Bridge Study Group: J.B. Berrill, H.E. Chapman, R.W.G. Blakely, A.J. Carr, L.G. Cormack, F.D. Edmonds, R.W. Fisher, P.R. Goldsmith, J.B.S. Huizing, A.G. Lonnigan, J.F. McGuire, M.B. Matthewson, P.J. North, R. Park, R.L. Preston, M.J.N. Priestly, P.R. Standford, M.J. Stockwell and J.H. Wood | NZNSEE Discussion Group on the Seismic Design of Bridges published in NZSEE Bulletin 13(3): September 1980 |
1983 | M.J.N. Priestley | Seismic design of masonry buildings – background to the draft masonry design code DZ 4210 published in NZSEE Bulletin 13(4): December 1980 |
1982 | L.M. Megget | Analysis and design of a base-isolated reinforced concrete frame building published in NZSEE Bulletin 11(4): December 1978 |
1981 | A.H. Buchanan | Diagonal beam reinforcing for ductile frames published in NZSEE Bulletin 12(4): December 1979 |
1980 | W.D. Smith | Statistical estimates of the likelihood of earthquake shaking throughout New Zealand published in NZSEE Bulletin 9(4): December 1976 |
1979 | R.W.G. Blakeley, R. Cooney and L.M. Megget | Seismic shear loading at flexural capacity in cantilever wall structures published in NZSEE Bulletin 8(4): December 1975 |
1978 | R. Park and T. Paulay | Ductile reinforced concrete frames – some comments on the special provisions for seismic design of ACI 31871 and on capacity design published in NZSEE Bulletin 8(1): March 1975 |