- Opening address.
O’Dea, Sir P. - Earthquake prediction.
Evison, F.F. - The political and legal effects.
Marshall, Sir - The economic issues.
Thompson, G. - Civil defence aspects.
Holloway, R.H.F. - The social implications of earthquake predictions and warnings on and for organisations.
Britton, N.R. - The effect of earthquake prediction on earthquake insurance in New Zealand.
Hellberg, M. - Role of the media in earthquake prediction.
Robson, M. - Mitigation of danger to property.
Strachan, C.M. - The roles of central and local government in pre-disaster planning.
O’Dea, Sir P. - The police role.
Mitchell, R.S. - The effects of earthquake prediction on the Ministry of Works and Development.
Stirrat, A.G. - The implications of earthquake prediction for the New Zealand Electricity Department.
O’Brian, N. T. - The role of local bodies.
Fowler, M. - Central government and earthquake prediction.
Roberts, J.L. - Summary of evening discussion.
- An application of capacity design philosophy to gravity load dominated ductile reinforced concrete frames.
Paulay, T. - Principal earthquakes during the year 1977.
Adams, R.D. - South Pacific Regional Conference on Earthquake Engineering, May 1979.
- Seismic design committee.
- Discussion – Seismic resistance of reinforced concrete masonry shear walls with high steel percentages, by M.J.N. Priestley (Vol 10(1)).
Glogau, O.A. - Discussion – Slenderness effects in earthquake resisting frames, by A.L. Andrews, Vol 10(3).
Irvine, H.M.
- Cost effectiveness of code base shear requirements for reinforced concrete frame structures.
Elms, D.G. - Dams and earthquakes in New Zealand.
Hatrick, A.V. - Stress-strain model for grade 275 reinforcing steel with cyclic loading.
Thompson, K.J. - Seismic design of South Brighton Bridge – a decision against mechanical energy dissipators.
Priestley, M.J.N. - NZNSEE discussion group on seismic design of ductile moment resisting reinforced concrete frames. Conclusion.
Burns, R.J. - NZNSEE discussion group on seismic design of ductile moment resisting reinforced concrete frames. Section D Foundations for ductile frames.
Allardice, N.W. - Earthquake damage at Sendai, June, 1978.
- Discussion – The importance of surface waves in strong ground motion, by W.D. Smith. Vol 10(4).
Stephenson, W.R.
- Seismic response of structures free to rock on their foundations.
Priestley, M.J.N. - A consideration of P-delta effects in ductile reinforced concrete frames.
Paulay, T. - Seismic effects on nuclear installations introduction, summary and recommendations.
- The new draft concrete design code.
McKenzie, G.H.F. - Strong motion records of the Milford Sound earthquake 1976 May 4.
Hodder, S.B. - The Milford Sound earthquake of 1976 May 4.
Eiby, G.A. - Palmdale Bulge and its significance.
Lensen, G.J. - Discussion – Seismic design of South Brighton Bridge – a decision against mechanical energy dissipators, by M.J.N. Priestley and M.J. Stockwell (Vol 11(2)).
McKenzie, G.H.F. - Discussion – A consideration of P-delta effects in ductile reinforced concrete frames, by T. Paulay (Vol 11(3)).
Andrews, A.L. - Earthquake risk buildings in Wellington.
Bentley, R.J. - Seismic risks to linear structures.
- Stress-strain model for prestressing steel with cyclic loading.
Thompson, K.J. - Base isolation – an historical development, and the influence of higher mode responses.
Lee, D.M. - Estimation of base isolated structure responses.
Lee, D.M. - Analysis and design of a base-isolated reinforced concrete frame building.
Megget, L.M. - Floor response of yielding structures.
Kelly, T.E. - A tenacious base isolation system using round steel bars.
Tyler, R.G. - Tapered steel energy dissipators for earthquake resistant structures.
Tyler, R.G.
- Seismotectonics and earthquake risk macrozoning in New Zealand.
Suggate, R.P. - Pukaki earthquake of 17 December 1978
Calhaem, I.M. - A consideration of the torsional response of building frames.
Rutenberg, A. - Influence of foundation compliance on the seismic response of bridge piers.
Priestley, M.J.N. - Developments in the design of ductile reinforced concrete frames.
Paulay, T. - Damage to lifeline systems in the city of Sendai caused by the 1978 Miyagiken-Oki earthquake.
Katayama, T. - Photographs of building damage at Sendai, Japan in the Miyagiken-Oki earthquake of June 12, 1978.
- Principal New Zealand earthquakes in 1978
Eiby, G.A. - Cyclic testing of a haunched reinforced concrete beam.
Thurston, S.J. - Report on the second (1978) microzonation conference.
Bentley, R.J.
- New Zealand earthquakes and plate tectonic theory
Walcott, R.I. - The seismic restraint of building services – a code of practice.
Upritchard, G.J. - Foundations for capacity designed structures.
Taylor, P.W. - Seismic design of gravity retaining walls.
Elms, D.G. - Shaking table tests on a model retaining wall.
Berrill, J.B. - Damage to civil engineering structures due to the near Izu-Ohshima earthquake of January 14, 1978.
Iwasaki, T. - Recommendations for the design and construction of base isolated structures.
Blakeley, R.W.G. - The behaviour of reinforced concrete beams under cyclic loading.
Fenwick, R.C. - A study of the earthquake resistance of domestic break pressure tanks.
Blackwell, F.N. - 1979 South Pacific Regional conference on earthquake engineering – closing address.
Glogau, O.A. - 1979 South Pacific Regional Conference on earthquake engineering – conference report.
Andrews, A.L.
- Tests on structural concrete beam-column joints with intermediate column bars.
Park, R. - The development of the design of the ANZ Head Office building, Lambton Quay, Wellington.
Sharpe, R.D. - Computer-aided structural analysis and design of the 37-storey Los Angeles Bonaventure Hotel.
Nicoletti, J.P. - The structural performance of houses in earthquakes.
Cooney, R.C. - Cyclic load testing of two refined reinforced concrete beam-column joints.
Blakeley, R.W.G. - The New Zealand strong motion earthquake recorder network.
Hefford, R.T. - Suggested extensions of the New Zealand strong motion accelerograph network.
Berrill, J.B. - Strategies for strong motion earthquake recording in New Zealand.
Stephenson, W.R.
- Some aspects of the strengthening of earthquake risk buildings.
Toomath, W. - Our old buildings can be safe in earthquake.
Smith, I.C. - Suspended ceilings: the seismic hazard and damage problem and some practical solutions.
Clarke, W.D. - Seismic analysis of a highway bridge considering soil-structure interaction effects.
Iwasaki, T. - Dynamic performance of brick masonry veneer panels.
Priestley, M.J.N. - Earthquake forecasting probability charts
Rhoades, D.A. - Earthquake forecasting, public policy and earthquake forecasting.
Lensen, G.J. - Active earth deformation.
Grant-Taylor, T.L. - Design of an earthquake resisting building using precast concrete cross-braced panels and incorporating energy-absorbing devices.
Matthewson, C.D. - Diagonal beam reinforcing for ductile frames.
Buchanan, A.H. - Discussion – A consideration of P-Delta effects in ductile reinforced concrete frames, by T. Paulay (Vol 11, No. 3)
Andrews, A.L. - Correspondence on base isolated structures.
- Reliability-based risk factors.
Elms, D.G. - Seismic risk and design criteria.
Hatrick, A.V. - Hysteretic dampers for the protection of structures from earthquakes.
Skinner, R.I. - Japanese practice for estimating the expected maximum earthquake force at a nuclear power plant site.
Omote, S. - Ground motion near causative fault of Kita-Tango earthquake of 1927.
Yoshikawa, S. - Code provisions for confining steel in potential plastic hinge regions of columns in seismic design.
Park, R. - Principal New Zealand earthquakes in 1979.
Smith, W.D.
- NZNSEE discussion group on reinforced concrete walls and diaphragms. Section A: Introduction to and aims in the design of earthquake resisting shear wall structures.
Taylor, R.G. - NZNSEE discussion group on reinforced concrete walls and diaphragms. Section B: The analysis and design of and the evaluation of design actions for reinforced concrete ductile shear wall structures.
Paulay, T. - NZNSEE discussion group on reinforced concrete walls and diaphragms. Section C: Shear walls of limited ductility.
Robinson, L.M. - NZNSEE discussion group on reinforced concrete walls and diaphragms. Section D: Diaphragms in seismic resistant buildings.
Kolston, D. - NZNSEE discussion group on reinforced concrete walls and diaphragms. Section F: Foundations for shear wall structures.
Binney, J.R. - NZNSEE discussion group on reinforced concrete walls and diaphragms. Section G: Low rise reinforced concrete buildings of limited ductility.
Glogau, O.A. - The Taveuni earthquake Fiji on 17 November 1979.
Paterson, A.W. - Kaiwharawhara reclamation.
Bentley, R.J.
- Response of ductile reinforced concrete frames located in Zone C.
Paulay, T. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Introduction.
Huizing, J.B.S. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 1: Design philosophy.
Stanford, P.R. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 2: Design earthquake loading and ductility demand.
Berrill, J.B. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 3: Capacity design principles and practice.
Chapman, H.E. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 4: Bridge foundations.
Edmonds, F.D. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 5: Detailing for ductility and ductility capacity.
Cormack, L.G. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 6: Mechanical energy dissipating devices.
Blakeley, R.W.G. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 7: Small bridges.
Fisher, R.W. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 8: Structural and non structural details.
Lanigan, A.G. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 9: Earth retaining structures.
Matthewson, M.B. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 10: Dynamic analysis.
Wood, J.H. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 11: Bridges requiring special studies.
Priestley, M.J.N. - NZNSEE discussion group on the seismic design of bridges. Section 12: Strengthening of bridges for seismic loads.
McGuire, J.F. - Technical note: Advances in earthquake engineering.
O’Leary, A. J. - Obituary – O.A. Glogau
- The effects of large displacements on the earthquake response of tall concrete frame structures.
Moss, P.J. - Seismic design of masonry buildings – background to the draft masonry design code DZ4210.
Priestley, M.J.N. - Seismic stability of reinforced earth retaining walls.
Bracegirdle, A. - A seismicity model for New Zealand.
Peek, R. - Society, prediction and warning: current assumptions on the implications of earthquake forecasting.
Britton, N.R. - The MO2A strong-motion accelerograph.
Hefford, R.T. - Seventh world conference on earthquake engineering September 8-13, 1980 Istanbul, Turkey.
Skinner, R.I.
- Further comments on seismic design loads for bridges.
Berrill, J.B. - Ductility of unconfined masonry shear walls.
Priestley, M.J.N. - Test results for lead-rubber bearings for Wm. Clayton Building, Toe Toe bridge and Waiotukupuna bridge.
Robinson, W.H. - Ghaenat (Iran) earthquake of November 14, 1979.
Adeli, H. - Review of the Conference on Large Earthquakes, Napier, 31 January to 3 February 1981.
Megget, L.M.
- Refurbishing earthquake risk buildings in U.S.A.
Leadbeater, D.B. - Earthquake risk buildings – lessons from experience.
Hopkins, D.C. - Outline of earthquake provisions in the recently revised Japanese building code.
Aoyama, H. - Tests on an interior reinforced concrete beam-column joint.
Park, R. - Earthquakes, landslides, and large dams in New Zealand.
Adams, J. - Principal New Zealand earthquakes in 1980
Smith, W.D. - Discussion – New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering discussion group on the seismic design of bridges, Bulletin Vol 13(3).
Rinne, J.E.
- A method for the evaluation of the seismic capacity of existing reinforced concrete buildings in Japan.
Aoyama, H. - The behaviour of exterior beam-column joints.
Paulay, T. - Seismic resistant joints for reinforced concrete structures.
Fenwick, R.C. - Uses for earthquake detectors.
Tyler, R.G. - Book review – Basic concepts of seismic codes. Published by IAEE, Vol 1, 1980.
Smith, W.D.
- Review of code developments for earthquake resistant design of concrete structures in New Zealand.
Park, R. - Seismic strengthening of existing reinforced concrete buildings in Japan.
Sugano, S. - Nailed moment joints in timber structures.
Bryant, A.H. - Hysteretic modelling of moment-resisting nailed timber joints.
Kivell, B.T. - Construction of site dependent design spectra.
Mostaghel, N. - Technical note – Testing of small rectangular hollow sections having welded connections.
Hutchinson, D.L.
- Cyclic loading tests of slender concrete masonry shear walls.
Priestley, M.J.N. - Ductility of confined concrete masonry shear walls.
Priestley, M.J.N. - Reinforced masonry shear walls: cyclic load tests in contraflexure.
Thurston, S.J. - Principal New Zealand earthquakes in 1981.
Smith, W.D. - Technical note: Computer analyses of New Zealand earthquake accelerograms – Volume 1.
Beck, J.L.
- Experimental study of lead and elastomeric dampers for base isolation systems in laminated neoprene bearings.
Kelly, J.M. - Seismic response of elevated water reservoirs.
Hunt, B. - Pitfalls in the estimation of seismic hazard.
Smith, W.D. - Behaviour of steel beam-column connections, made using bolted end plates.
Johnstone, N.D. - Buildings: research and development needs.
Hutchison, D.L. - Technical note: Local buckling of universal beam flanges.
Thurston, S.J. - Discussion: Reinforced masonry shear walls: cyclic load tests in contraflexure, by S.J. Thurston and D.L. Hutchison (Vol 15(1)).
Priestley, M.J.N.
- Recommendations for the seismic design of petrochemical plants.
Norton, J.A. - The development of seismic zones and the evaluation of lateral loadings for earthquake resistant design of buildings in Papua New Guinea.
Jury, RD. - Cyclic load testing of three haunched reinforced concrete beam-column assemblies.
Thurston, S.J. - Research requirements related to the design of seismic resistant highway bridges.
Jennings, D.N. - Technical note: A note on the Hutt Valley strong-motion microzone network.
Tyler, R.G. - NZ National Society for Earthquake Engineering Engineering reconnaissance manual.
- Report on the 7th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
Hollings, J.P.
- The seismic design of industrial plants.
Evison, R.D. - Cyclic testing of a brick wall strengthened with a plaster coating of glass reinforced cement.
Hutchison, D.L. - Earthquake strengthening of old masonry with reference to the Auckland Ferry Building.
Gurley, C.R. - Technical note: strong-motion instrumentation and records in the Wanganui earthquake swarm.
McVerry, G.H. - Technical Note: Priorities for research requirements related to the design of seismic resistant highway bridges.
Jennings, D.N. - Papers presented at the 7th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Athens, Sept. 20-25, 1982.
- Comparison of recent New Zealand and United States seismic design provisions for reinforced concrete beam-column joints and test results from four units designed according to the New Zealand code.
Park, R. - Strength degradation of concrete beams under cyclic loading.
Fenwick, R.C. - What are the main uncertainties in estimating earthquake risk?
Vere-Jones, D. - Procedures for operating the New Zealand strong-motion accelerograph network.
Hefford, R.T. - Principal New Zealand earthquakes in 1982.
Smith, W.D. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings 1. The upgrading of Middle School, cnr Jed and Don streets, Invercargill.
Buxton, F.N. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings. 2. Anglican parish of Blenheim: strengthening to the Church of the Nativity.
Davidson, C.C. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings. 3. Hastings Boys’ High School administration buildings, Hastings, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
Garrett, I.J. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings. 4. Restoration of old Auckland Customhouse.
Boardman, P.R. - Conference report Base isolation of buildings.
Skinner, R.I.
- Union House – a cross braced structure with energy dissipators.
Boardman, P.R. - The seismic design of an industrial chimney with rocking base.
Sharpe, R.D. - Lateral drift of reinforced concrete structures subjected to strong ground motion.
Sozen, M.A. - The seismic performance of steel encased reinforced concrete bridge piles.
Park, R.J.T. - Inelastic analysis of the Imperial County Services Building.
Moss, P.J. - Developments in design of wood structures for earthquake resistance.
Buchanan, A.H. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings 1. Strengthening of State Trinity Centre, Christchurch.
Evans, D.S. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings. 2. Redevelopment of the Normal School Cranmer Square, Christchurch.
Wilby, G.K. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings. 3. Cashfields shopping centre: Christchurch.
Taylor, J.M. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings. 4. State Opera House – upgrading.
Christianson, J.
- A study of the inelastic seismic response of reinforced concrete coupled frame-shear wall structures.
Goodsir, W.J. - Preliminary tests on an energy absorbing element for braced structures under earthquake loading.
Tyler, R.G. - An earthquake catastrophe damage assessment model with particular reference to central New Zealand.
Dowrick, D.J. - Prediction of post-elastic seismic response of structures by a mode superposition technique.
Gillies, A.G. - Computer processing of New Zealand strong-motion accelerograms.
Hodder, S.B. - A new draft code for seismic design of buildings in Indonesia.
Fraser, I.A.N.
- Revised estimates of earthquake hazard in New Zealand.
Smith, W.D. - Behaviour of ductile hollow reinforced concrete columns.
Mander, J.B. - Seismic design of pallet racking systems.
Brown, B.J. - Seismic considerations in the design of cryogenic pressure vessels.
Webster, J. - Earthquake-soil structure interaction, spring and dashpot models, and real soil behaviour.
Pender, M.J. - Evaluation of earthquake response of low-rise structures using design codes and local specifications.
Hutchinson, G.L. - Discussion – A study of the inelastic seismic response of reinforced concrete coupled frame-shear wall structures, by Goodsir, W.J., Paulay, T. and Carr, A.J.
Williams, R.L. - Letter – Vol 15 (3) Structural steel test photographs.
Clifton, G.C.
- Comparison of remote site and basement records as excitation of the Vogel Building.
McVerry, G.H. - Evaluation of dynamic ground characteristics and seismic microzoning.
Kitagawa, Y. - Motions of rigid bodies and criteria for overturning by earthquake excitations.
Ishiyama, Y. - The seismic performance of energy absorbing dampers in building structures.
Key, D.E. - Tests on an axially loaded steel energy absorber.
Tyler, R.G. - Principal New Zealand earthquakes in 1983.
Smith, W.D. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings 1. New Plymouth Girls’ High School structural strengthening and upgrading of the 1926 block.
Hutchison, D.L. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings 2. Upgrading of AMP Society branch office corner Customhouse Quay and Hunter Street, Wellington.
Cathie, M.C. - Case studies: earthquake risk buildings 3. Strengthening of James Smith Ltd Cuba Street, Wellington.
Munro, D.J. - Discussion of paper ‘Comparison of recent New Zealand United States seismic design provisions for renforced concrete beam-column joints and test results for four units designed according to the New Zealand Code’, by R Park and J R Milburn.
Fenwick, R.C.
- Building configuration: the architecture of seismic design.
Arnold, C. - High-strain tests on lead-rubber bearings for earthquake loadings.
Tyler, R.G. - Effect of wall base rotation on behaviour of reinforced concrete frame-wall building.
Kato, D. - Estimation of seismic motion and damage to structures for new bullet trains.
Nakamura, Y. - Evaluation of shear and flexural deformations of flexural type shear walls.
Hiraishi, H. - Prediction of seismic wave amplitudes using the phase-front parabolic approximation.
Haines, A.J. - Technical note: Strong motion record from Turangi, 5 March 1984.
Hodder, S.B.
- Assessment of seismic performance characteristics of reinforced concrete buildings constructed between 1936 and 1975.
Brunsdon, D.R. - Optimum design of reinforced concrete shear walls.
Hutchison, D.L. - Effects of hoop reinforcement in steel and reinforced concrete composite sections.
Suzuki, T. - Eighth world conference on earthquake engineering San Francisco, July 1984
Meggett, L.M.
- Behaviour of cast in situ reinforced concrete frames incorporating precast prestressed concrete beam shells subjected to seismic loading.
Park, R. - Detailing of prestressed concrete piles for ductility.
Park, R. - The Waiotapu earthquake of 1983, December 14.
Smith, E.G.C. - Liquefaction during historic earthquakes in New Zealand.
Fairless, G.J. - Discussion – The development of seismic zones and the evaluation of lateral loadings for earthquake resistant design of buildings in Papua New Guinea, by Jury, R.D., Hollings, J.P. and Fraser, I.A.N.
McCue, K.
- Seismic design of masonry structures to the new provisional New Zealand Standard NZS 4230P.
Priestley, M.J.N. - Architectural elements in earthquake, a review of design and construction practice in New Zealand.
Hopkins, D.C. - The Motu river earthquake of 8 March 1984.
Reyners, M. - Frequency of eruptions at New Zealand volcanoes.
Latter, J.H.
- The role of science and engineering in mitigating natural hazards.
Press, F. - Preliminary field observations of the Chilean earthquake of 3 March 1985
Dowrick, D.J. - The San Antonio, Chile, earthquake of 3 March 1985.
Connor, I.N. - Seismic hazard analysis and design loads.
Berrill, J.B. - Distribution of scatter in New Zealand accelerograph data.
Berrill, J.B. - Anchorage of transverse reinforcement in rectangular reinforced concrete columns in seismic design.
Tanaka, H. - Seismic behaviour of unreinforced masonry walls.
Priestley, M.J.N.
- Methodology for the assessment of the damage cost resulting from a large earthquake in the vicinity of Wellington.
Birss, G.R. - Earthquake isolation technology for industrial facilities – research, development and applications
Fujita, T. - The ductility of structural walls.
Paulay, T. - Further notes on a steel energy-absorbing element for braced frameworks
Tyler, R.G. - Test on a brake lining damper for structures.
Tyler, R.G. - Letter – Concrete filled tubular structures.
Priestley, M.J.N.
- The September 1985 Mexico Earthquake : Preliminary report of the New Zealand reconnaissance team
- New Zealand seismic hazard analysis.
Matuschka, T. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section A Introduction and Philosophy.
Spring, K.C.F. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section B Analysis and design methods.
Patton, R.N. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section C Beam design.
Walpole, W.R. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section D Column Design.
Butterworth, J.W. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section E Concentrically braced frames.
Walpole, W.R. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section F Eccentrically braced frames.
Sidwell, G.K. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section G Connection design.
Nicholas, C.J.A. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section H Beam-column joints.
Walpole, W.R. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section I Composite design.
Clifton, G.C. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section J Cold formed sections.
Clifton, G.C. - NZNSEE study group for the seismic design of steel structures. Section K Materials and workmanship.
McKay, G.R.
- The capacity design of reinforced concrete hybrid structures for multistorey buildings.
Paulay, T. - Rocking motion of a slender elastic body on rigid floor.
Ichinose, T. - Uncertainties in attenuation relations for New Zealand seismic hazard analysis.
McVerry, G.H. - Seismic design of timber structures study group review, March 1986.
Williams, R. - The seismic behaviour of plywood sheathed shearwalls.
Dean, J.A. - Principal New Zealand earthquakes in 1985.
Smith, W.D. - Discussion – Seismic behaviour of unreinforced masonry walls, by M.J.N. Priesteley, Bulletin, NZNSEE. 18(2).
Robinson, L.M.
- Inelastic dynamic analysis of two industrial buildings.
Hutchison, D.L. - An economic solution for stabilising a slender arch roof.
Spurr, D.D. - Mechanical strain gauge measurements at Te Marau.
Darby, D.J. - The performance of a ductile moment resisting connection between a precast concrete column and a timber beam.
Dean, J.A. - Timber sheathed walls for wind and earthquake resistance.
Dowrick, D.J. - Horizontal timber diaphragms for wind and earthquake resistance.
Smith, P.C. - Hysteresis loops for timber structures.
Dowrick, D.J.
- Glossary of terms for probabilistic seismic-risk and hazard analysis.
- Draft revision of NZS 4203:1984: seismic provisions.
Hutchison, D.L. - A preliminary analytic evaluation of the seismic response of structural walls failing in a shear mode.
Robinson, L.M. - Seismic response of low-rise buildings.
Moss, P.J. - Development of design procedures for the flexural strength and ductility of reinforced concrete bridge columns.
Zahn, F.A. - Seismic design considerations of the properties of New Zealand manufactured steel reinforcing bars.
Andiono, T.
- Notes on earthquake insurance in California and New Zealand.
- The influence of bridge geometry on the seismic behaviour of bridges on isolating bearings.
Moss, P.J. - The influence of non-geometric factors on the seismic behaviour of bridges on isolating bearings.
Cooke, N. - Seismic design of storage tanks.
Priestley, M.J.N. - Structures of limited ductility – NZNSEE study group report.
- Principal New Zealand earthquakes in 1986.
Smith, W.D. - Support structure design for New Zealand Forest Products Ltd’s No. 5 recovery boiler
Sharpe, R.D. - On California structural steel seismic design.
Popov, E.P. - Advances in design of eccentrically braced frames.
Popov, E.P. - The behaviour, overview of damage and retrofit of steel buildings after the earthquakes of September 1985.
Martinez-Romero, E. - Cyclic loading tests on steel portal frame knee joints.
Beamish, M.J. - Shake table tests of an industrial building.
Takanashi, K. - Shear modulus Gs.
Hughes, D.K. - Discussion – Seismic response of low-rise buildings, by Moss, P.J.: Carr, A.J.: Buchanan, A.H. 19(3)
Clifton, G.C.
- Earthquake fault movement and town planning
Hopkins, D.C. - The influence of earthquake fault-lines on town planning.
Moss, P.J. - Review of current earthquake engineering research in New Zealand
Moss, P.J. - The use of Grade 380 steel for transverse confirming reinforcement in columns.
Zahn, F.A. - Shear reinforcement of reinforced concrete inelastic interior beam- column joints
Ichinose, T. - Seismic code development for steel structures.
Krawinkler, H.
- Confronting natural disasters. An international decade for natural hazard reduction.
- The October 1, 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake.
Shepherd, R. - The static substructure method for dynamic analysis of structures.
Menglin, L. - The energy dissipation effects of redundant members in silos under earthquakes.
Zhiming, L. - Earthquakes and earthquake engineering in China.
Yu-an, F. - Earthquake resistance of the ‘SCT’ large panel building system.
Fischinger, M. - Prediction of the ultimate longitudinal compressive concrete strain at hoop fracture using energy considerations.
Tanaka, H.