While Aotearoa New Zealand has gone through unprecedented losses from seismic activity, our understanding and knowledge around seismic hazards has advanced, highlighting shortcomings in the seismic settings our our building regime.
This research is a first step towards understanding and confirming what New Zealanders want regarding the seismic performance of buildings, providing insight into the changes and decisions the country needs to make regarding our seismic engineering and building practises, and the current regulatory regime.
We will continue to update this page as more research is released from the project. Check back for updates.
Project team
Charlotte Brown, Resilient Organisations Ltd
Helen Ferner, NZSEE
Hugh Cowan
Shannon Abeling, University of Auckland
Sophie Horsfall, Resilient Organisations Ltd
Latest information from The Resilient Buildings Project
Stage 2B final report 28 June 2022
Societal Expectations on Seismic Performance of Building Stage 3 Final Report
This project has been funded by NZSEE and EQC