Prof. Gregory Deierlein – From Performance‐based Earthquake Engineering to Urban Resilience

From Performance‐based Earthquake Engineering to Urban Resilience

 Presented by Gregory Deierlein

 John A. Blume Professor of Engineering

Stanford University

Christchurch PresentationWednesday 25 March 2015

Auckland PresentationTuesday 14 April 2015

Wellington Presentation: Wednesday 15 April 2015

Video recording link:

Presentation Abstract

Performance-based earthquake engineering has matured over the past twenty years from a conceptual framework into a formal methodology that can enable quantitative assessment of the seismic risks to buildings and infrastructure.  At the same time, rapid growth of cities and experiences from recent earthquakes have accelerated the need to look more holistically at the resilience of communities.  This lecture will review key ingredients of performance-based design and how it can be applied to quantify collapse safety, financial losses and downtime of buildings that are integral to urban resilience.  Examples will include recent performance evaluations of high-rise buildings that are representative of the residential and office building inventory in San Francisco and modern cities.