Citation on the award of NZSEE Fellow, April 2021
Professor Misko Cubrinovski is awarded a Fellowship for his services to Earthquake Engineering in New Zealand.
Misko is a Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Canterbury, NZ, and a respected leader in his field. He is particularly renowned internationally and in New Zealand for his research and guidance on liquefaction and its effects on buildings and infrastructure. He has immensely contributed to geotechnical and earthquake engineering after the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence.
Misko has been a member of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering for 15 years, and a member of its Bulletin Editorial Board for over 5 years, and has contributed in many ways to earthquake engineering, including:
- Leading extensive research and published the effects of liquefaction in the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, and its effects on the Built Environment.
- Co-authoring 12 technical papers published in the NZSEE bulletin, and many international journal papers.
- Presentation of keynote and invited/plenary lectures at the NZSEE conferences over the last 10 years, raising the awareness and developments in liquefaction.
- Contribution to the provision of guidance following the Canterbury earthquakes, as a member of the advisory group for MBIE.
- Contribution as a member of the Seismic Risk working group established by MBIE.
- Co-authoring the research report for the NZ Transport Agency on the Assessment of bridge foundations subject to liquefaction and lateral spreading.
- Leading and co-authoring the MBIE Geotechnical Modules on Liquefaction and Earthquake geotechnical design guidance.
Misko has made an immense contribution to the earthquake and geotechnical engineering professions in New Zealand over the past 15 years, and is acknowledged by the award of a New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Fellowship.